
Blazer Stunt Scooter

Blazer stunt scooters are of good quality, but what idiot came up with those colors? A technically excellent stunt scooter and there is no accounting for taste.


Blazer is a brand based in the UK, just like many other scooters. Blazer focuses mainly on the novice stunt scooter who wants something more than a basic stunt scooter. Blazer has a number of models that keep coming back, but are provided with fresh new colors every year.

The Blazer shift and Phaser stunt scooters are equipped with a threaded fork, from this model onwards the scooters are equipped with a compression system. The Blazer stunt scooters have a maximum height of 79cm for the park scooters and 89cm for the street scooters.

The Blazer stunt scooters are not the lightest stunt scooters within their target group, but they are very sturdy. The colors are not very bold and match the English sobriety. When repairing other brands of stunt scooters, we often install Blazer parts, because they simply fit a little better. The wheels are also of good quality for a low price.

It seems as if Blazer has removed a complete line from its range, because the Blazer Raider is such a huge stunner compared to the Outrun. It is a large scooter with an integrated headset and 120mm wheels. A beast of a stunt scooter and next to the Blazer Outrun it is a very big difference.

In combination with an SCS clamp, the Blazer Raider becomes another 5 cm higher and can easily be used by adult stunt scooter riders. It is a fantastic street scooter but also a bit heavy at just over 4 kg. So big boys ride on those.

I expect that Blazer will complete the line of stunt scooters in the future and fill the gap between the Blazer Outrun and the Raider. If new Blazer models are released, you will certainly find them at the Streetsurfshop. So look for Blazer parts in the parts section on our website. New items are added all the time.


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