Story Run Racer height-adjustable balance bike Blue
This balance bike is for children between 1.5 and 4 years old. The balance bike can be adjusted in height so that both large and small children can use it.
The nuts and bolts of the handlebars and saddle are covered to protect your child from scratches. The tires of the balance bike are solid and cannot be punctured. The balance bike can be used both indoors and outdoors. Balance bikes are a good exercise for movement and balance.
Specifications Suitable for Children aged 2-4 years
Total height: 49 cm
Length: 72 cm
Seat height: 35 .5 - 41.5 cm
Material: Aluminum
Weight: 2700 g
Max load: 30 kg
Number of wheels: 2
Wheel diameter: 250 mm
/>Wheel material: EVA
Core material: Nylon
Bearing: ABEC-5
Mounting: Partially mounted